Lewd Rogue: Master’s Coin is Live, Plus a Sample Reading!


Not only is the latest Lewd Saga book live, I thought I’d add a little something extra to bring you into the Lewd Saga experience.

Whether you have read my books or looking for something new, here is a recording of yours truly reading a few pages of Lewd Rogue: Master’s Coin to put you in the mood.

Lewd Rogue: Master’s Coin

The Long Night has begun.

The virtual world of Lukken sits on the edge of a war not seen in many ages. Trolls and the dead gather to begin their march on the kingdoms across the digital continent, setting their sights on the Dragon Lords on the Northern Coast.

Renner is a rogue, bent on enjoying his summer home and staying as far away from the threat of war as possible. Along with his luck fairy, Gylda, they prepare for the return of a fellow rogue and settle in.

When unwelcome guests arrive, the player will soon discover his ties to the underworld will draw him into the conflict, whether he wants to or not.

With dark plots set in motion, the player must decide which side he is really on. Will he fight for his friends, lovers or the sinister monsters pulling his strings? Will his mischievous nature get everyone he cares about killed? Will his heart’s desire take him down an unforeseen road from which he may never be the same?

Here’s to new experiences!

I had a lot of fun putting this together but I must warn that this is not a professional recording. Fighting a cold, my voice came off a little smokey but I enjoyed putting myself out there. There are a few recordings and one where I swear at the end because I kep’t messing up but that’s for another time.

The book is much better, trust me. 🙂

The series is a labor of love and I do hope you enjoy it! Who knows, if the series is popular enough, I can finally afford a real voice talent to read my sultry works.

If you’re new to the works of Eden Redd, check out my catalog!

Thank you for listening.







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